Round 1: Technical
🔹Online Assessment on Hackerrank
Round 2 :Technical (Coding, SQL Questions)
🔹To write a SQL query to identify unique user sessions. The table schema has columns: `user_id`, `start_timestamp`, and `end_timestamp`. The goal is to retrieve the session information from the table.
🔹I was provided with two tables:
- Transactions: Contains `product_id`, `user_id`, and `sale_timestamp`.
- Products: Contains `product_id` and `product_name`.
The task is to write SQL queries that determine the following for each product:
1. The first transaction (the earliest `sale_timestamp`).
2. The latest transaction(the most recent `sale_timestamp`).
3. The total units sold (the count of transactions).
Round 3: Design Round
I was tasked with designing the data models for a movie recommendation system that allows users to search for movies using various keys, such as movie title, genre, etc. The system should also be scalable to accommodate additional search keys, like actor and director, in the future.
The goal is to define the entities and relationships that support efficient querying based on the search criteria.